11 Oct 2014 GnpIS version 14.2 availability

GnpIS version 14.2 is available. Major new functionalities include:

  • Sequence Polymorphisms:
    Genotyping : The new form allows querying high throughput genotyping data. Searching criteria include germplasms, panel of germplasms, markers,  markers set such as genotyping arrays or custom markers sets. See the Genotyping form
  • Phenotypes
    ISA TAB export functionality. A data set built in Ephesis can now be exported in ISA Tab format for interoperability with external analysis tools. This standard is under development and feedback is much appreciated (ephesis_at_versailles.inra.fr). See Ephesis or export ISA Tab data from a pre configured search
  • Synteny
     Improved interoperability between plant synteny viewer and GnpIS markers, in particular for Wheat COS markers.
     See synteny viewer
  • RNASeq
     A new generation of genome browser, JBrowse, has been deployed for Amaizing data. This allows the exploitation of RNASeq data in a genomic context.
     See JBrowse
  • Association
     New public data available: GWAS in tomato using the Solcap SNP and candidate genes for fruit weight
     See Association form

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